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Active Lives

The Adults Active Lives release by Sport England covering November 2016-17 to November 2017-18 shows that there are now 73.2% adults active for at least 30 minutes a week in Greater Manchester, which equates to 1.63 million adults.

Active Lives

Overall inactivity levels have stayed the same since 2015-16 in Bolton, but there has been an increase (by +1.2%) in those that are achieving 150 minutes or more of physical activity a week, to meet the recommended movement required to stay healthy.

Active Lives

Overall the number of adults moving in Bury has decreased since 2015-16, inactivity has increased (by +1.2%) as has those that are fairly active (by +3.5%).

Active Lives

Activity levels have increased (by +5.4%) since 2015-16 in Manchester, are the highest across GM and above national levels. This is from a decrease in adults being both fairly active (by -2.8%) and inactive (by -2.6%).

Active Lives

Inactivity has increased (by +5.1%) since 2015-16 in Bury, although those that are fairly active has increased (by +0.7%), those reaching the recommended amount of movement to benefit their health has decreased (by-5.7%).

Active Lives

Overall there are more adults moving in Rochdale, an increase by 7,000 since 2015-16. The majority of these are achieving 150 minutes a week, an increase by +2.3% and 5,300 adults. There has also been an increase by +0.9% and 1,700 adults that are fairly active.