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Following the World Health Organisation's Physical Activity Strategy for the WHO European Region 2016-2025 they have produced a document updating the progress against the priorities listed below. We have summarised the findings into the attached update summary below.

Britain Thinks

GM Moving’s goal is for 75% of the population of Greater Manchester to be active by 2025. In order to do this it is developing a behaviour change campaign to encourage inactive residents to increase their activity levels.

Active Lives

There are some stark gender inequalities in Greater Manchester. Statistics tell us that men are more active than women. In Greater Manchester, the gap between inactive males (25.5%) and inactive females (27.9%) is 2.4%. There was a slight gap decrease of 0.8% between November 2015-2016 and November 2017-2018. However, there is still much to be done.

Active Lives

People with a long-term disability or health condition are twice as likely to be inactive as those without. Worryingly, in Greater Manchester inactivity levels across this group are higher than national average figures.

Active Lives

The Chief Medical Officer states that UK adults should do 150 minutes, or more, of activity per week. That’s a little over 20 minutes per day, on average, and can take any form to suit age, ability, and preferences. However, in Greater Manchester, there’s a big variation in activity levels across different ethnic groups.

Active Lives

In Greater Manchester, people in the lowest socio-economic status groups are twice as likely to be inactive (36.7%) as those in the highest groups (17.8%).