Greater Manchester's approach to creating sustainable public leisure services, that support active lives for all, and tackle health inequalities.
In the summer of 2020, in the midst of the Covid pandemic, senior leaders in Greater Manchester came together to discuss the future of public leisure services with two key aims:
Two years later, in December 2022, Sport England published the ‘Future of Public Sector Leisure’ report which began to shift the language and thinking around the value and contribution of public sector leisure to wider health and economic outcomes.
Pivot to Active Wellbeing is GM’s contribution to that report and has been a collective approach of partners from across Greater Manchester (GM), exploring how leisure, fitness and pool services and place communities at the heart of their offer and better support the integrated health care system in tackling health and wellbeing inequalities.
This cross sector collaborative approach includes the ten GM local authorities, GM Active, GM Moving, Sport England and the twelve Greater Manchester leisure operators. It also draws on wider expert support from University of Keele & University of Salford, SLC consultancy, and Future Fit.
This programme of work has three interconnected pillars;
Explore how GM providers, commissioners and facilities can shift from fitness to wellness, be more sustainable and play a more purposeful role in active wellbeing.
This pillar included exploring opportunities around how to increase collaboration and knowledge sharing across borders and services. This manifested in creation series of communities of learning that explored challenges and opportunities commissioners and strategic leads.
This work also encompassed the GM wide Prehab for Cancer service deep dive to pull out key learnings, exploring how the service can expand and be replicated in other areas.
Support GM Active workforce with the professional development of the 3000 strong public leisure workforce introducing the concepts around system working and leadership and the evolution of their services to holistic community wellbeing.
This work has resulted in the creation of a bespoke digital induction and skills academy, that is available to all GM Active staff, and the Transformational and Aspirational leadership programmes. All these programmes aim to support cultural changes at all levels of the organisations and ensure that staff have the knowledge and confidence to deliver a successful active wellbeing service.
Developed and led by the University of Salford & then University of Keele, this partnership puts academic knowledge into action. They are exploring current and future opportunities of collaboration between leisure and health within GM to support those with long term health conditions.
Take a look at the official presentation that captures the scale and ambition of this, what it has achieved so far and the work still to do.
Please visit the GM Active website for further details and case studies.
Organisations are working together to respond to the challenges of the pandemic, and re-design systems, processes and services to support Greater Manchester's people and communities through public sector leisure.
Partners are working together to respond to the challenges of the pandemic, and re-design systems, processes and services to support the people and communities of Greater Manchester through public sector leisure. Discover their journey and learning so far.