Learn about the work happening within Manchester to support active lives for all
Manchester is estimated to be home to over 576,000 people. The latest Active Lives results published by Sport England (November 2019-Nov 2020) shows that 69.5% of adults in Manchester are active for at least 30 minutes a week, this equates to 306,500 adults moving. However this is a decrease of 20,200 from 12 months ago and we need to all keep working together to support active lives for all in Manchester.
Learn more about Manchester activity levels related to key demographic data such as gender, age and disability here.
Active Lives data (academic year 2019-20) also shows that *63.4% of children and young people in Greater Manchester are moving, achieving at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day. In Manchester 65.2% children and young people are moving 30 mins + per day.
For more information about children and young people’s physical activity levels in Manchester, click here.
*Borough Level Data: Please note that this data should be interpreted with caution, Covid-19 had a significant impact on data collection and the caveats for the data can be found here.
The story of investing time and building relationships with community researchers in Woodhouse Park brings the latest Local Pilot learnings to life here.
Express your interest in helping support better conversations about physical activity and movement with people in Manchester and Trafford.