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A detailed breakdown of the latest Active Lives research from Sport England exploring the differences in activity levels by socio-economic status across Greater Manchester.


A detailed breakdown of the latest Active Lives research from Sport England exploring the differences in activity levels by age across Greater Manchester.

Three older adults walking and talking along a pavement, one is pushing a bike.


The latest Active Lives survey from Sport England has found that 58.9% of adults in Greater Manchester took part in all walking.


41.7% of children and young people in Greater Manchester meet Chief Medical Officer guidelines and achieve an average of 60 minutes or more of physical activity a day. Whilst 36.6% are failing to achieve 30 minutes of physical activity a day.

Transport for Greater Manchester

Community organisations across Greater Manchester can now apply to join the Cycle and Stride for Active Lives project and deliver an Active Travel Community Resource that will help inspire more people to walk, cycle or wheel.

Trafford Council

Trafford Council has developed a draft strategy to get more people walking, wheeling and cycling across the borough – and wants to know what you think.