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Active Partnerships

On the anniversary of the death of George Floyd, we are launching the Active Partnership Network's racial equality commitment, the culmination of this work to date, developed with colleagues from across the network.


One year on since the killing of George Floyd sparked protests against racism across the world, we’re taking stock of our progress in reducing racial inequalities across sport and physical activity in Greater Manchester.


A real life example of how Manchester applied the GM Moving Local Pilot Enabler of Change 'transforming governance and processes' in their work


GreaterSport has been accredited as a Living Wage Employer; a voluntary benchmark for employers ensuring their staff earn a wage they can live on, not just the government minimum


There have been over 800 people joining the GM Moving in Action engagement conversations so what happens next?

GM Moving

The latest evaluation report further expands on the five enablers of change previously identified and identifies two complementary and interlinking strategies to tackle inequalities in inactivity.