77 results found

By GreaterSport

This Dementia Action Week, we’ve collated some statistics on how physical activity can help to both reduce the risk of developing dementia and support those living with it

By Women in Sport

New research from Women in Sport explores the impact of midlife and menopause on physical activity habits.

By University of Cambridge

New research from the University of Cambridge highlights the benefits of physical activity for emotional regulation and attainment, particularly amongst those from lower socio-economic groups.

By GreaterSport

Research published in Chronic Respiratory Disease has highlighted the benefits of physical activity in decreasing fatigue and breathlessness and increasing exercise capacity and cognition post-Covid.

By GreaterSport

People from poorer communities are more likely to be killed or injured on Britain’s roads, with those from ethnic minority groups (excluding white minorities) more at risk.

By GreaterSport

The FrameWorks Institute suggests how to communicate about physical activity - reframing away from physical activity being viewed as strenuous exercise, in which individuals have sole responsibility whether to participate or not.