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Craig Vickers & Jess Simons

Two GM case studies have been shortlisted for the Youth Sport Trust Impact Awards

GM Walking

The GM Walking Festival is a programme of free, organised group walks celebrating the joy and benefits of walking and wheeling as part of everyday life

Sports Think Tank

A new document features policy calls from 29 physical activity sector organisations, including Active Partnerships

GM Moving

What we wear changes how we think and can change our behaviour too. Wearing trainers and shoes you can move in makes it more likely that we’ll walk/wheel.

Imogen Halls, Project Lead - Health, GM Moving

GM Moving joined Urban Village Medical Practice in Ancoats for their monthly Walk Talk Walk session to understand the impact the walks have on staff and patients.

Sport England

We've collated guidance and research on how the cost of living impacts people's activity levels, how to get people active at a low cost and how facilities and organisations can adapt to keep energy costs down.