1130 results found
A summary of the event with Sport England, consulting with GM Moving partners on their new strategy
In order to support GM Moving’s Walking City Region Ambition accessible and family friendly short walking routes are being identified and mapped on the Go Jauntly App
A real life example of how Bury Council have applied the GM Moving Local Pilot Enabler of Change 'involving local people and growing assets' in their work
A real life example of how Greater Manchester's local pilot forums applied the GM Moving Local Pilot Enabler of Change 'strategic leadership enabling collective leadership' in their work
A real life example of how The Bureau, Glossop’s VCSE organisation, applied the GM Moving Local Pilot Enabler of Change 'learning and adapting' in their work
A real life example of how Tameside Council, applied the GM Moving Local Pilot Enabler of Change 'effective work across and between sectors' in their work