39 results found
The Active Tameside Sport & Physical Activity Awards returned for 2022 on Friday 30th September. Hosted across Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, the ceremony brought together groups and individuals from all corners of Tameside’s sports and physical activity community to celebrate their outstanding achievements from the past year.
Tameside has recovered to baseline levels for active (58.3%) but not pre-pandemic levels and neither for inactive (31.4%) .
In Tameside just 51.1% of children and young people are achieving an average of 60 minutes of physical activity a day. This means that almost half are not meeting Chief Medical Officer guidelines.
The latest Active Lives results published by Sport England show that 67.6% of adults in Tameside are active for at least 30 minutes a week, equating to 122,500 adults moving; a decrease of 3,100 from the survey 12 months ago.
As we look back over 2023 we take a look at the role Active Tameside and Tameside Council played to support young people in the borough during School holidays.
Action Together are proud to report on their Use Your Energy Community Investment Programme in Tameside which is supporting more young people to be active.