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By GM Moving | 05 June 2024 | TAGS:

The first meeting of the Tackling Inequalities Network was held on 22nd April 2024. The event was attended by over 40 representatives from organisations across Greater Manchester who are using sport, physical activity and movement to tackle inequalities.  

The session started with an introduction to GM Moving, and the Tackling Inequalities timeline so far. This included some background on the Together Fund distributed through GM Moving, which focussed on communities disproportionately impacted by COVID 19, with the aim to try and prevent the inequalities’ gap from widening and reduce the impact on activity levels.   

GM Moving recognised the need to work differently to make this funding meet the needs of the communities it was intended to reach. To support this the GM Moving Equalities Panel was established, who were rooted in communities and could therefore reach into those communities to help with grant applications and decision making for the fund. Stories of projects and work supported through this fund have been shared on the GM Moving website 

Mark Bingley, from Sported, spoke about their experiences in participatory grant making and the recent Black Identity Football Fund. The following video was shared to bring the project to life.  

Atiha Chaudry, from Manchester BME Network shared her experiences of being part of the GM Moving Equalities Panel, and how that changed approach led to a diversity of applications and projects being supported. Atiha is working with GM Moving on the development of the Inequalities Network to make sure that it remains rooted in community need.  

A capacity building session facilitated by Kate Cocker, the Presenter Coach, equipped attendees with the skills to develop their own key messages, and confidence in being able to talk about the importance of sport, movement and activity to address inequalities. At the next Tackling Inequalities Network Meeting attendees have been asked to express their interest in pitching for micro grants, to allow them to test a new idea or project. We are looking forward to hearing some creative and exciting ideas, with any learning from these grants being shared at future meetings.  

Eve Holt, Strategic Director at GM Moving commented, “The meeting was a really positive leap forward which built well on the work done to date. The sessions narrated the GM Moving and Together Fund mission, role and journeys and the roles everyone can play. The conversations I had on tables and across the morning were fab, with people really appreciative of the space.”  

The next meeting of the Tackling Inequalities Network will be held on Monday 8th July, at GMCVO, St Thomas Centre. The last meeting did reach capacity so please sign up early to avoid disappointment.

Sign up to the session here.   


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