Permanent Orienteering and Virtual (GPS) Orienteering Courses are located across Manchester and provide an excellent opportunity to experience Orienteering at a time that suits you.
Your time, your pace, your adventure. Whether it's a walk with the family, exploring an area whilst on holiday, competing against others as quick as you can or simply just adding variety to a training run, Orienteering could be just the challenge you are looking for.
Your mission is to reach checkpoints or 'controls' marked on a special orienteering map, and the skill and fun come from trying to find the best route to take. There are courses ideal for beginners as well as for the more experienced. Go in your time, Go at your pace, Go discover a whole new world of adventure in parks, green spaces and urban areas across the UK and GoOrienteering! Suitable for all ages and abilities.
Find out more here
The new programme supports people in Greater Manchester to become more active by walking, wheeling and cycling.
In Stockport, using the Creating Active Schools (CAS) framework has become a catalyst for transforming physical activity within local schools.
Rachel describes a recent team day centred on welfare and safeguarding, where the team explored creating a culture of safety, belonging, and respect in sports.