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By GM Moving | 29 February 2024 | TAGS: health, Mental health

The mission to put people and communities at the heart of Greater Manchester's model for health and wellbeing took a major step forward on Tuesday (27 February) with the launch of Live Well 

Voluntary, community and faith groups, social enterprises and grassroots initiatives were centre stage for the launch of GM’s collective movement for community-led health and wellbeing.  

They were joined at the Science and Industry Museum by politicians, funders, leisure centres, all 10 local authorities, hospitals and medical practices, and policy makers.  

The launch gave everyone the opportunity to hear the story and vision of the Live Well movement and connect with community groups who showcased community-led health and wellbeing in action. 

There were immersive performances and an exploration of how to shift the dial to preventing ill health and tackling inequalities through community-led health and wellbeing.  

What is Live Well? 

Live Well is the name of our collective movement for community-led health and wellbeing across Greater Manchester. Our work and shared commitment to ensure: 

  • People have more opportunities to feel healthy, supported and connected through a wide variety of information, activities and support (community-led support and action) 
  • People can help make their communities healthier and happier, they are being heard and making a difference (community power, leadership and decision-making) 
  • Communities have the resources to make change happen and make a difference (community wealth, opportunity and ownership) 

Greater Manchester has received £1million+ over two years from The National Lottery Community Fund to help address the root of causes of poor health and wellbeing.  

The investment in people and communities aims to help five boroughs overcome challenges and build healthy lives and places – more information available here. 


What role does GM Moving play in GM Live Well? 

Greater Manchester Moving has a clear purpose to change lives through movement, physical activity, and sport and is proud to support and play its part contributing to the Live Well ambitions. 

We lead, support, and connect people and partners across the system to develop and deliver on the whole system vision and approach to the shared GM Moving in Action strategy.  

Beth Sutcliffe, Strategic Director at GM Moving, adds:  

“We are committed to integrating physical activity into health and care settings and see Live Well as key approach to realising this aim.  

“For example, we are supporting GP practices to commit to increasing activity and reducing sedentary behaviour in staff and patients by helping them to become an Active Practice 

“We are also connecting GP practices with local physical activity providers that are working in the local community to provide activity opportunities to improve physical and mental wellbeing.”  

Claire Duffy, Strategic Lead for Health Inequalities at GM Moving, said:  

“It was great to hear about the wonderful work happening in our communities and how this tackles health inequalities to support everyone to live well for longer. 

“GM Moving is ready to play our role in Live Well and support ever more sustainable opportunities for local people where everyone has the opportunity to build connections and move regularly.” 

How the GM Walking and Wheeling Fund supports GM Live Well? 

Since 2020, GM Moving have distributed over £400k of grants via the GM Walking and Wheeling Fund to 166 community and voluntary organisations. 

This investment, showcased by Grass Roots Movement CIC as part of the community marketplace at the launch, supports people who are less active to begin walking or wheeling more regularly.  

Grass Roots Movement highlighted how movement can help people from marginalised communities feel comfort, belonging and more empowered in spaces where they do not always feel welcome. 

We also celebrate walking and wheeling across Greater Manchester as part of theGM Walking Festival 2024 which takes place in May, to align with National Walking Month.  

The Festival invites local groups, organisations and individuals to use the month-long event as a catalyst for encouraging more regular walking or wheeling in different settings. 

Louise Robbins, Strategic Lead for Walking and Active Environments, said:  

“The launch highlighted perfectly how Live Well will have grassroots community organisations working alongside the wider health system as a core principle. 

“There were so many great examples, like Grass Roots Movement, of creative, community-led projects which make a real difference to the health of people across GM.” 

More information about Live Well is available here. 

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