The Green Spaces Fund supports community-led projects that increase the amount and quality of accessible, nature-rich green space in the city region.
Applications are now open for the Green Spaces Fund which supports community-led projects across Greater Manchester that increase the amount and quality of accessible, nature-rich green space in the city region.
Communities across GM can now apply for grants of up to £40,000 to improve or create local green spaces in their area. Projects should improve accessible spaces through physical improvements to make them better places for nature and people e.g. in parks, community gardens, streets, schools, housing estates, existing nature reserves.
There are two different grants available: grants up to £10,000 and grants between £10,000 and £40,000.
"Everyone should have access to high-quality green spaces, regardless of where they live, and I’m pleased we’re able to launch this scheme which will further support our ambitions for a greener and fairer future" - Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester.
The deadline for submitting applications for the first round of funding is 9am on Monday 22nd August.
Find the application form and additional resources here
There are lots of useful resources available to help you with your application, including guides, templates and FAQs.
You can also learn more about the application process by attending one of the upcoming webinars:
If you have any questions about the application process, please email [email protected]
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