As we strive to get Greater Manchester Moving we are recruiting for two new roles.
It is exciting times for GreaterSport, GM Moving and the vision we all share. As recognised by Sport England, we have an opportunity here like nowhere else in England, to do things differently and drive our passion to enable more people to be active as well as define our clear purpose.
Within the team there is a number of changes taking place that are resulting in new opportunities to join us and make a difference to Greater Manchester.
Our CEO Sara Tomkins has accepted a new role as MD for Union, part of the Vita Property Group and you may already be aware that our Deputy CEO Matt Johnson is leaving GreaterSport on the 13th December to take up a new role at Manchester United Foundation.
This has led to an opportunity to reshape the team for the future and create a structure that will allow us to continue our progress towards our ambitions whilst helping us deliver at pace against the GM Moving 12 priorities.
The GreaterSport Board, the Chair of GM Moving Executive and our investors; Sport England, GMCA and GMSCHP came to a joint conclusion and have appointed Hayley Lever as the GreaterSport CEO and GM Moving Exec Lead. There was a common sense that this is the right move to accelerate the work forward and she will ensure we continue our journey together seamlessly, with stability and certainty to achieve the ambitions of Greater Manchester Moving.
To support Hayley and enable her to do the dual role of the CEO of GreaterSport and lead the GM Moving movement, we need continued strategic leadership capacity, there are therefore two roles out for recruitment;
A recruitment pack for each role can be found at We hope you are keen to join the movement.
GM Moving's Strategic Lead for Walking, Louise Robbins, explains how the launch of phase 2 of the Bee Network this January is a positive moment for our city region.
Greater Manchester Moving have submitted evidence to the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Cycling and Walking’s inquiry outlining numerous examples from our city region.
GM Moving’s Strategic Director Eve Holt was part of a three-person team responsible for co-authoring a chapter on active travel.