Even for Under 5s movement is important and supports a range of outcomes, including physical and mental health, wellbeing and school readiness.
Partners in Greater Manchester and across the country are passionate about breaking down any barriers Early Years setting maybe experiencing which could stop children moving more.
To find out these barriers we are asking Early Years settings to complete this survey - www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/XXHHY7N.
A survey to find out what physical activity looks like in Early Years settings nationally. We want to hear from Early Years staff working in Reception and Nursery Classes in schools, Private, voluntary and independent (PVI) settings, Childminders, pre-schools, playgroups, children’s centres or any other similar setting. This survey is open to anyone working in an Early Years setting in England. You can be working at any level. Respondents can be apprentices or trainees.
The results will be used to help tailor support to Early Years Settings. It will also be used in conversations with strategic organisations to raise the profile of the work being delivered in Early Years and show how this is helping every child to have The Best Start in Life.
GM Moving’s Strategic Director Eve Holt was part of a three-person team responsible for co-authoring a chapter on active travel.
The latest Active Lives Children and Young People (CYP) Survey data from Sport England for the academic year 2023-24 have been released. The national data indicates that physical activity levels remain stable with 47% of CYP being active.
34 community groups and organisations will be receive grants from the 2024/25 GM Walking and Wheeling Fund, supported by GM Integrated Care Partnership and distributed by GM Moving, Salford CVS and 10GM.