Strategic Lead – Active Adults
Job Role: I am the Strategic Lead for Active Adults and oversee a small team which includes an Active Adults Lead and Active Adults Equalities Lead. My role is to ensure we work collaboratively, and with an intersectional approach, to make moving an accessible and enjoyable experience for all adults, in and out of work and in their communities and places. We have 3 priority focuses which are workplace health, ageing well and people and communities.
Date Joined: January 2023
Pronouns: she/her
Professional Background: I have a wealth of knowledge and experience gained over 20+ years working in various Sport Development settings, including youth inclusion, school sport, community sport and facility development. Prior to joining GM Moving in January 2023, I was heavily involved in the rolling out and implementation of the Sport England local pilot work in GM as the Local Pilot lead for Oldham.
My real passion lies in working in a collaborative and joined up way to ensure everyone has equality of access to opportunities to be active and move more in their everyday lives, whatever that looks like.
I want to use my experiences and passion to help advocate for and support others to also work in this way and understand how they too play a part, however big or small, in bringing about systemic shifts in how we all work and interact as ‘system’ to enable adults at every stage of life to live healthier, happier, more productive lives through movement.
Fun Fact: My older brother and I met the late Queen and her husband, Prince Phillip, many years ago when we were both young children, when they came to open a new harbour where we lived. Apparently, when Prince Phillip asked if we’d had to have a day off school to come and see them, we told him it was a Saturday and we didn’t go to school on Saturdays!