Learn about the work happening within Salford to support active lives for all
Before the Covid-19 pandemic, Active Lives data showed that adult physical activity levels in Salford were above the Greater Manchester (GM) average after a significant increase year on year since 2015/16. By the May 2019/20 data, 74.9% of adults were achieving at least 30 minutes of physical activity a week.
However, the latest Active Lives data (May 2020-21) shows the effect of the pandemic on physical activity levels in Salford. This data shows that 67.7% of adults in Salford are active for at least 30 minutes a week, this equates to approximately 141,800 adults moving. However, this is a decrease of 12,700 from the survey 12 months prior. It is vital to all keep working together to support active lives for all in Salford. Unfortunately, it is within the groups where the activity gap already existed that we have seen the biggest decline in activity levels and widening inequalities. View this data in more detail here.
The latest Active Lives data for Salford's Children and Young People (academic year 2019-20) shows that *58.3% of children and young people in Salford are moving, achieving at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day. Despite a strong school-based offer, particularly in primary schools, and an abundance of opportunities in community leisure and sport, Salford’s activity levels for children and young people were some of the lowest in GM, especially amongst secondary school aged pupils, in particular females. View this data in more detail here.
*Borough Level Data: Please note that this data should be interpreted with caution, Covid-19 had a significant impact on data collection and the caveats for the data can be found here.
Join us at the GM Moving Conference 2025, for a day of learning, leading and moving with inspiring speakers, workshops & networking to enable active lives for all.
School Games Organiser (SGO) Becky Robinson used the Greater Manchester School Games Year 7 Determination Festival to introduce pupils to new physical activities.
Confidence Walks are supporting people with disabilities and long-term health conditions to start a more active lifestyle.