The fourth series of The GM Moving Podcast focuses exclusively on our Right To The Streets movement in Trafford and how we all have a role to play in making our streets and public spaces safer for women and girls.

Join us on a joyful journey of discovery as this series shares how the Right to the Streets movement has grown and developed, the difference it's making, and all that we have learned along the way.

You'll be hearing from lots of people and partners as they shift the dial from fear to freedom as we trailblaze a different approach to street harassment and gender-based violence in public spaces.

We hope you enjoy the series, please share your thoughts with us on social media (tag GM Moving on Twitter/X or LinkedIn) or via email.

The Right to the Streets movement was initiated in partnership with Trafford Council, Open Data Manchester, local stakeholder and community groups, and GM Moving partners.

Find out more about it here.

Listen to the series below:

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Series 4 trailer

To mark White Ribbon Day 2023, and continued efforts to end violence against women and girls, we're launching our second podcast series focusing on Right to the Streets. 

It's time to share the journey of discovery we've been on in Trafford and show you how the Right to the Streets movement has grown, the difference it's making and what we've learned along the way. We hope you enjoy it.

Episode 1: Why does participatory data collection matter?

In our opening episode of series four, Eve explores all things data, to include what counts as data, who gets to decide how it can be collected, and how it can be used to inform local community action.

She speaks to colleagues at Open Data Manchester (ODM for short), one of the key delivery partners who steered and expertly managed the data-led approach to the initiation of the Right to the Streets movement.

Episode transcript available to download.

Episode 2: The power of bystander intervention

What is an active bystander? How do they disrupt harassment against women and girls? And how do we become one?

In the second episode of series four of The GM Moving Podcast, host Eve Holt is joined by Julie Tweedale from Freedom Personal Safety to talk about how they are tackling sexual harassment in Greater Manchester through active bystander training, and Nicole Zanchetti and Dave Green from Transport for Greater Manchester to hear how the training has informed them.

Episode transcript available to download.

Episode 3: Enabling more people to walk, wheel and cycle

In this episode of the Right to the Streets series of the GM Moving podcast, we explore different locally designed and locally led walking, wheeling and cycling activations, and how these support people to connect with one another and the places around them.

Episode transcript available to download.

Episode 4: How can public campaigns shift cultural norms?

How can public campaigns disrupt the culture of street harassment and shift cultural norms?

In this episode, Eve is joined by DIVA Creative - the marketing agency who worked with GM Moving to develop the public 'No Place For It' campaign - to discuss catalysing behaviour change to make our streets, parks, and public spaces safer, more welcoming and more joyful for everyone, especially women and girls and gender diverse communities.

Episode transcript available to download.

Episode 5: Using podcasts to tell the story

This Right To The Streets edition of the GM Moving podcast has played, and continues to play, a pivotal role in growing the Safer Streets movement, facilitating authentic conversations that not only helped to shape the project but ensured that these experiences, stories and ideas were heard by people much wider than the communities we worked in.

This is the power of podcasts.

In this episode, we're telling you why we decided to do a podcast for the project, what this looked like in practice, our process, the huge added value, learning, challenges and of course - what’s next.

Episode transcript available to download.

Episode 6: Why does participatory data collection matter?

In Manchester, we talk a lot about doing things differently. In this episode, you'll get a sense of what that looks like as we talk about using people-powered performance to influence policy.

Join us as we explore the power of Legislative Theatre, one of the approaches that we took as part of the Right To The Streets project to speak directly to policy and decision-makers - the very people who could then influence changes, at a strategy level, that would help to create safer public spaces for everyone, with a focus on women and girls.

Episode transcript available to download.

Episode 7: Local partnerships in action

Partnership working was the very backbone to the whole Right to the Streets initiative from the very start. Partnerships between cross sector and cross discipline organisations, groups and more informal social networks.

In this episode, we're going to explore the strength of working with, investing in, and growing local partnerships in a neighbourhood, and how these relationships are the key to inspiring and enabling community-led action.

Episode transcript available to download.

Episode 8: How public arts shift perception in place

Art and creativity are key ingredients in the Right to the Streets initiative, but why does public art matter, and can it really shift the perception of a place?

In this episode, Eve is joined by Stretford Stride and OT Creative Space, two local organsations who worked closely with the community to co-design artisitc interventions that brought the streets of North Trafford to life.

The poem you hear is by Maya Chowdhury and Young Identity.

Episode transcript available to download.

Episode 9: What's next?

Welcome to the last episode of the Right to the Streets edition of the GM Moving podcast.

Throughout the whole of Right To The Streets initiative and across the last 16 episodes of the podcast, you’ve heard us say again and again that this is not the end. Far from it: it’s just the beginning, and, collectively, it feels like we've really started something.

In this episode, we explore the longer term changes people want to see and how this work can continue to influence wider change across whole systems, from communities, through to policy makers and national government.

Episode transcript available to download.

Share the story and tell us what you think

The podcast is just the start of the conversation on using a whole-system approach to make streets and public spaces safer for women and girls. We want to hear from you, you can email us or share your thoughts on social media and tag in our GM Moving handles on Twitter/X or LinkedIn.