GM Moving’s healthy and active places principles offer a collective vision for our places and spaces.
There is growing understanding of the importance of design and holistic thinking about our spaces.
Both these elements have a role to play in contributing to active lives, creating health and wealth for the region, and a more sustainable future.
This is reflected in policy changes and a growing public and political appetite to change the way we design, plan and treat our streets, buildings and public spaces; putting our health and happiness back into the heart of Greater Manchester’s built environment.
To create healthy active places we need a collective vision describing the places and spaces we want to create across our city region.
Following a thematic analysis of guidance published by a range of bodies, from Sport England to the Town and Country Planning Association, we have created principles that enable us to describe what we need from our built environment to enable healthy, active lives for all.
Banner Image: Grey to green route
Image Credit: Dani Cole
Creating the conditions for a cultural shift to make moving a part of every day for all.
Embedding joy within everyday experiences for fulfilling lives.
Space for nature
Creating natural and holistically sustainable spaces.
Nourishing places
Considering what our bodies and minds need.
For everyone
Ensuring that everyone and every body across GM have healthy and actives places to enjoy.
Rooted in communities
Places that are designed with our communities.
In all our places
Healthy spaces across our lives.
Integrated places
Health and activity integrated in our communities and places.