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Greater Manchester supports The Daily Mile's toolkit development

By GM Walking | 31 January 2022

Greater Manchester’s work to help people walk 20 minutes a day inspires The Daily Mile Fit for Life Toolkit launch.

Age UK and Bolton Arena launch new walking football programme for older people in Bolton

By Bolton Age UK and Bolton Arena | 27 January 2022

Age UK has launched a new walking football programme at Bolton Arena, for older people in Bolton.

Greater Manchester Falls Prevention: Delivering Integration and Reconditioning

By GM Moving | 27 January 2022

Falls are a major public health issue, being the second major cause of death and disability after road traffic accidents.

Calling Early Years settings staff - we want to hear from you!

By GM Moving | 21 January 2022

Even for Under 5s movement is important and supports a range of outcomes, including physical and mental health, wellbeing and school readiness.

Programme supports young people at risk of homelessness through activity and mentoring

By GreaterSport | 20 January 2022

GreaterSport have been working with partners to improve the health and wellbeing of young people experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness in Greater Manchester.

Group of young people in a residential area smiling and throwing balls in the direction of the camera

Community Leisure: A pivot to wellbeing in Greater Manchester

By GM Moving | 17 January 2022

Partners are working together to respond to the challenges of the pandemic, and re-design systems, processes and services to support the people and communities of Greater Manchester through public sector leisure. Discover their journey and learning so far.