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Physical activity, sport and movement volunteering research brief

By GreaterSport | 28 February 2022

GreaterSport is seeking expressions of interest from institutions and organisations to carry out the aims of our research brief.

This Girl Can and parkrun team up to welcome even more women and girls to parkrun this International Women’s Day

By This Girl Can | 21 February 2022

In a celebration of being active in whatever way suits you, parkrun and This Girl Can come together to host a second International Women’s Day parkrun

Women’s Walking Football programme, in association with Age UK

By Bolton Arena | 16 February 2022

Bolton Arena is delighted to announce its brand-new Women’s Walking Football programme, in association with Age UK.

The GM Moving Big Co-Production Conversation Learnings and Feedback

By GM Moving and Collaborate Out Loud CIC | 07 February 2022

How can coproducing with communities get people moving more? We look back at the key learnings from the Big Co-Production Conversation and invite attendees to contribute their feedback and ideas to help shape future collaborative working.

Nominations for Queen’s Baton Relay January 2022 closing soon

By GM Moving | 07 February 2022

Inspiring individuals from communities in England have the opportunity to be selected as batonbearers at the Commonwealth Games in July 2022. There will be 2022 batonbearers for the domestic (England) segment with nominations closing on 14th February.

Learning more about social prescribing in the North-West

By GreaterSport | 02 February 2022

Help us understand social prescribing pathways to develop future support and training for providers and participants by completing a short survey