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Nordic walking group launched for people with breast cancer diagnosis

By ABCD | 23 November 2022

The ABCD CIC – Community Interest Company was founded by Joanne Taylor who wanted to provide support to people like herself who have been diagnosed with breast cancer.

School Games uses physical activity to help pupils settle into secondary education

By GreaterSport | 21 November 2022

The School Games held a festival of physical activity to support year 7 pupils settle into their new secondary school.

Inclusive cycling centre geared up for success

By Seashell | 18 November 2022

Bradbury Cycling Centre, which offers children and young adults inclusive cycling opportunities, opened in November.

Local Pilot Process Evaluation Summary October 2022

By Hazel Musgrove, Strategic Lead – Evidence and Evaluation | 17 November 2022

Hazel Musgrove, Strategic Lead – Evidence and Evaluation, looks at three key areas of whole-systems development following the publication of the latest Local Pilot learning report.

New Governance Structures in Stockport

By Russ Boaler | 17 November 2022

The story of developing the ONE Stockport: Active Communities Strategy, and the change in governance structures for policy implementation, brings the latest Local Pilot learnings to life.

Entrusting Community Leadership in Manchester

By Stacy Partridge, Kim Liall and Hazel Musgrove | 17 November 2022

The story of investing time and building relationships with community researchers in Woodhouse Park brings the latest Local Pilot learnings to life here.