42 results found

Wigan Council

Rising stars, inspirational achievers and unsung heroes were recognised as the Believe Sports Awards returned in Wigan.


Wigan has recovered to better than baseline and pre-pandemic levels for both active (62.5%) and inactive (25.9%).


In Wigan just 44.6% of children and young people are achieving an average of 60 minutes of physical activity a day. This means that almost half are not meeting Chief Medical Officer guidelines.


The latest Active Lives results published by Sport England show that 70.8% of adults in Wigan are active for at least 30 minutes a week, equating to 190,200 adults moving; an increase of 17,700 from the survey 12 months ago.

Wigan Council

A successful Bikeability Balance trial has grown to reach more schools and into community sessions for young children in Wigan.

GM Moving

In Wigan, Place Partnership survey responses hint at a growing perception of increasing system maturity in terms of Learning and adapting