394 results found

Swim England

A 20-minute eLearning session raises awareness of the benefits of aquatic activity on health and wellbeing

GM Walking

GM Walking and Wheeling Fund awarded 39 grants, a total investment of £94,356, to create healthier, happier communities.

Active Partnerships

UK lags behind European neighbours on activity as sector bodies unite in drive to make the UK the most active nation in Europe

Greater Manchester Combined Authority

As part of Falls Prevention Awareness Week, Greater Manchester will be hosting a series of bitesize lunchtime learning sessions.

Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Falls Prevention Awareness Week serves as a reminder of the importance of proactive action when it comes to reducing falls among older adults.

Mind & Chasing the Stigma

Mind’s Physical Activity team has selected Chasing the Stigma’s Hub of Hope to become their new signposting tool, directing people to life-changing and even lifesaving support.