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Greater Manchester resident Nardia Joy embraced lockdown as an opportunity to become more active and find ways to keep her life busy

University Academy 92

Manchester higher education institution University Academy 92 (UA92) has been recognised by Sport England for the support it offers talented athletes who want earn a degree while pursuing a top flight sporting career.

Active Lives

The latest Active Lives results published by Sport England shows that 74.8% of adults in Manchester are active for at least 30 minutes a week, this equates to 326,700 adults moving.


Due to the changing situation with Covid-19 the decision has been made to cancel any Greater Manchester School Games competitions until September 2020.


Guidance for the Greater Manchester Winter School Games regarding the coronavirus.

Active Lives

74.6% of adults in Manchester are moving, at least 30 minutes a week, equivalent to 325,700 adults. This is an improvement since baseline (November 2015-16) of 0.9% and 13,600 adults.