About GM Active

GM Active is a Community Interest Company limited by guarantee. We are a collective of 12 leisure and community organisations from across Greater Manchester that are all part of the same movement, to get more people physically active.

Pivot to Wellbeing

Together the members of GM Active manage the bulk of the publicly owned leisure and physical activity assets and services on behalf of the 10 local authorities.

We deliver wide ranging leisure and wellbeing services for the good of the whole population, across the whole of the City Region of Greater Manchester.

The group accounts for 99 leisure and sports facilities, with a combined reach of over 20 million visits a year and we deliver over 11,000 activity sessions per week.

Contribution to GM Moving

Our collective commitment aligns with GM Moving. We want to support people to have active lives. This can be at our indoor and outdoor facilities or through the wide variety of services and programmes we deliver. We;

  • Provide safe places for children and young people to have fun and be active, reducing anti-social behaviour, and boosting the younger generation’s confidence and resilience.
  • Support older adults and people with long-term conditions through social prescribing and physical activity interventions.
  • Improve community cohesion by engaging people of all ages and abilities in healthy and meaningful activities every day.

We are essentially ‘activity enablers’ and we work together to help people across Greater Manchester live healthy, happy, and fulfilled lives.

Find out more about GM Active here