341 results found

GM Moving

What we wear changes how we think and can change our behaviour too. Wearing trainers and shoes you can move in makes it more likely that we’ll walk/wheel.

Sport England

We've collated guidance and research on how the cost of living impacts people's activity levels, how to get people active at a low cost and how facilities and organisations can adapt to keep energy costs down.

GM Walking

GM Walking distributed £95,000 to 38 voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations to boost walking and wheeling in GM.

Youth Sport Trust

The Youth Sport Trust’s manifesto for action sets out how we can improve children and young people’s physical, mental and social wellbeing by increasing levels of physical activity.

GM Moving

The Active Workplace Toolkit has been refreshed to provide support and ideas to encourage movement during the working day.

GM Moving

As we come to the end of our celebration week we take time to reflect.